Heart Alchemy Meditation

Heart Alchemy Meditation is a proven method to introduce even the busiest minds to the profound benefits of pure, silent awareness. With dedicated practice, you are guided to know and feel who you are, what you want and what you are here to do. Often, it’s so much more than you think.

Timeless wisdom and transcendental tools to access your heart’s intelligence

For self-aware, courageous and purposeful women and men, who want to make a meaningful difference in the world and have deep questions about love, purpose, prosperity and career. This is for you if you value the power of personal truths, spiritual wellbeing, spiritual relationships, inner and outer abundance, and heart wisdom.

Learn to meditate or deepen your practice

Meditation offers a way to create an internal space, that leads to feelings of expansiveness, unshakeable trust and endless possibilities. A daily practice moves you beyond the repetitive and often negative thoughts of the mind to the seat of your most creative and prosperous self, within your heart. Once you connect with your heart space, you’re able to tap into your innate wisdom and confidence.

Meditation opens up the infinite and offers you a bird’s eye view of your life and the ability to move through natural ups and downs with grace. Hema believes that meditation offers the chance to understand many more dimensions about yourself, the universe and our connection to the world around us. Through her work, she opens up the reality of a 5D perspective – that is, more than can be perceived with the physical senses and limitations of time and space.

Powerful teachings and meditation journeys from a live-recorded and interactive workshop

Lessons on the ‘Heart Alchemy Meditation’ method to connect with the expansive presence and infinite creativity of the heart with a set of do’s and don’ts for optimal awareness.


Mini-Masterclasses will open your heart, mind and body wisdom to cosmic and practical concepts, rooted in ancient spiritual wisdom and philosophy


Deep meditation can be a tool for creativity and tapping into higher intelligence. Meditation balances the left and right brain hemispheres, which represent masculine and feminine energy


Recordings of all the sessions to keep for life and revisit whenever it suits you, as your evolution unfolds

Your mentor

Hema Vyas has spent years gathering the tools to connect with the deeper intelligence of the heart. She is a renowned speaker on heart wisdom, human consciousness, spirituality, health, energy medicine and Ayurveda.

Hema teaches from a place of direct experience and pure compassion. In her workshops, she holds space for each person to have a direct experience within their own hearts. Her presence carries a vibration of pure, unconditional love and ultimate truth.

“I have noticed that many people share two common beliefs. The first is that in order to be successful you have to make a trade-off somewhere, such as money for passion, or security for love. The second is that there isn’t enough love to go around. When you are connected with your heart, prosperity, which is the reality of being fulfilled in all ways, is not just possible, but inevitable. The first step to achieve this is through the art of meditation.”

Feedback from clients who have walked the path with Hema

Heart Alchemy Meditation

Almost 2 hours of teaching audios across 8 mini-sessions

Workbook and meditation diary

Bonus: Exclusive guided meditation library (priceless). Meditations, Hema’s deepest recorded journeys so far, include Create Sacred Relationships, Awaken Your Kundalini Energy, Raise Your Prosperity Consciousness, Turn Pain Into Power and Activate Your Heart Alchemy

Customer support over email and what’s app for any questions to ensure a smooth experience

Live taught price: £225

Online for £49

Pay with card or Paypal

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