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Virtual Talks, Workshops and Courses

Connect heart, mind, and body wisdom and realise the power of EQ, IQ & SQ working in unity. Hema’s newest talks are on the topics of omnipreneurship and how to create inner space for outer creativity. In her view, the skill we most need for the future is being able to tap into consistent, creative energy…and the future is now.

Retreats include Heart Renaissance in Kerala

We are so looking forward to being back in the nourishing spaces of Kerala home to Hema’s immersive retreats, just as soon as we can. On these extraordinary pilgrimages into your inner world, you will instigate your own Heart Renaissance: an exclusive reconnection with your heart’s wisdom and truth to release fears, surpass limitations and ignite expansion beyond even your own greatest vision.

It takes more than intelligence to succeed. It takes heart intelligence. To access the full potential and power of our hearts, we need to be able to go there with our heartache and disappointments. Heartbreak is one of the most common life experiences, but it is also one of the most misunderstood. When we have the tools to process it, heartache and heartbreak can actually offer a path to greater empowerment and improved performance. We look forward to welcoming you to this heart-healing program of expansion and bliss.

Virtual experiences alongside the live groups will also be offered, so you have the chance to journey from the comfort of your own home.

“Retreats add another dimension to daily life, through alignment of body, mind, soul and heart, consciousness is raised to a level of love, compassion and clarity.”HV

Feedback from clients who have walked the path with Hema

“True happiness is often said to be ‘an inside job’ because no amount of external success can bridge the gap between what we want and who we really are in the long term. We need to go beyond the thinking mind into the intuitive heart to discover infinite possibilities. Meditation and Yoga are timeless ancient practices still powerful and relevant in today’s world. Last century Yogi Bhajan brought Kundalini yoga to the West highlighting its holistic approach to healing, and how it creates harmony in body, mind and spirit to achieve sustainable health and happiness. In Yogi Bhajan’s words – “The kundalini experience integrates you more fully with reality and gives you a broader vision and sensitivity so that you can act more efficiently.” In my view, Kundalini yoga allows us to tune into the unbounded self that is pure consciousness, supporting the flow of creativity, passion and purpose and inspiring a greater sense of compassion.” From Hema’s article ‘Meet the Most Powerful Navigator of Your Life’ on Thrive Global

Learn with Hema On-Demand with tools and concepts to guide you to your own state of gold that you can immerse
yourself in whenever suits you

Hema believes that our experiences in the outer world are guided by our inner world and that cycles of life are driven by an energetic frequency emitted from the heart.

Workshops and courses draw on a combination of teaching, meditations, and light yoga practices, combined to transform negative patterns held in the energetic space of the heart.

Her success is evident in the lives of countless clients and participants, many of whom attend her live and virtual events regularly with dedication and as part of their commitment to their continued expansion of consciousness and self-awareness.

Ayurvedic Wellbeing

Love Supreme

Heart Alchemy Meditation


Prosperity Consciousness

Art of Fantasy & Conscious Imagination

Hema’s Philosophy – Heart Alchemy

Hema recently spoke at the Credibility Nation Summit in a Q+A on the significance of the heart energy and importance of truth in business and life. She also gave a workshop with Bamford on Heart Alchemy, her philosophy and toolkit of transformative practices for personal growth and evolution.

In 2019 she was the keynote speaker at the Conscious Living and Working conference in Dublin. She also led a Heart Wisdom workshop series at London’s Soho House and gave talks at The Conduit, and Design Centre at Chelsea Harbour, London. She was asked to speak at the Dubai Future Foundation in the UAE, guided a Prosperity Consciousness workshop at the UK’s Mind, Body, Spirit, Wellbeing Festival. More recently, she guided virtual and live workshops for Bamford and was a speaker at the Credibility Nation Summit as well as featuring on the Global Women’s Voice series.


Or explore other ways of working together online or in-person

If you have any questions or wish to talk about your unique needs feel free to get in touch or email


Bespoke talks and programs inspire while solving real-world problems



Hema is known for creating pivotal shifts in thinking and feeling for diverse global audiences



Uncover deep truths on a journey with Hema from where you are to your most expansive potential



Tap into the creative power of your heart space with a toolkit to guide your path


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