We hold a lot of stress and tension in our necks, upper back and shoulders. This exercise will able you to use your breath and movement to release what is held within you energetically and emotionally as well as relieve tension. This moving meditation will create space and allow you to be and feel more free. The more free we become, the more we are able to effortlessly flow in the world.
This technique is simple, short and you can feel results in as little as one minute. Ideally, do the practice for a minimum of 3-5 minutes and up to 7-11 minutes. The more regularly you do this practice, the more profound the results will be. Below is the video.
Interested in learning more live? Join me for my signature Ayurvedic Alchemy of the Heart programme in Kerala, India. Each day synthesises kundalini yoga to clear and release energy, Ayurvedic massage and detoxification, guided meditations and metaphysical teachings to align body, mind and heart in luxury and nature.