Early in my career, a bomb went off in a dream and soon after, it happened in real life. ‘What’s the significance of the bomb?!’ is what Paul and I both agreed might be a better title for this podcast.

‘Omnipreneurship: The Bridge Between Entrepreneurship and Spirituality’ interview on the Awarepreneurs podcast 

Early in my career, a bomb went off in a dream and soon after, it happened in real life. ‘What’s the significance of the bomb?!’ is what Paul and I both agreed might be a better title for this podcast.

I interpreted the synchronicity as saying life is short and it’s time to step into the life I want. The wake-up call drove me to leave corporate life and follow my calling to help people live a life of authenticity. Back then, it took courage to talk about concepts there wasn’t a widespread language for.

In this chat with the conscious and skilful Paul Zelizer, I shared deeply, from how we can tap into a space of potentiality, to the importance of having entrepreneurs passionate about not only products, services or ideas, but also the planet, personal growth as well as collective growth.

We can live in harmony with nature, with the Earth’s magnetic field and with the vibrations of the other planets in the universe that we are a part of, drawing on our own passion and purpose to be of service in an interconnected world.

Early in my career, a bomb went off in a dream and soon after, it happened in real life. ‘What’s the significance of the bomb?!’ is what Paul and I both agreed might be a better title for this podcast.

I interpreted the synchronicity as saying life is short and it’s time to step into the life I want. The wake-up call drove me to leave corporate life and follow my calling to help people live a life of authenticity. Back then, it took courage to talk about concepts there wasn’t a widespread language for.

In this chat with the conscious and skilful Paul Zelizer, I shared deeply, from how we can tap into a space of potentiality, to the importance of having entrepreneurs passionate about not only products, services or ideas, but also the planet, personal growth as well as collective growth.

We can live in harmony with nature, with the Earth’s magnetic field and with the vibrations of the other planets in the universe that we are a part of, drawing on our own passion and purpose to be of service in an interconnected world.

Here’s the link to listen to the podcast from July 2020: https://lnkd.in/eQqFdVp

Maybe what we are all going through now is a form of wake-up call. What significance might you attach to it?

~ HV