This is a short video of a kundalini technique to help you release your energy to discover more balance. This is a simple exercise to bring you back to a place of deeper love and inner beauty. Do this practice for a minimum of 3-5 minutes and up to 7-11 minutes. Below is the video:
As you practice this exercise you’ll feel your energy release and as a result you’ll feel the sense of balance. Ultimately, at our core we are pure energy and it is this energy that is magnetic; our energy both attracts and repels everything in our worlds. The more our energy is constricted, the more we keep ourselves stuck and out of balance. The more we release energy that doesn’t serve us and expand our core energy, the more we begin to discover more balance and a sense of joy, love and beauty.
Interested in learning more live? Join me for my signature AYURVEDIC ALCHEMY OF THE HEARTprogramme in Kerala, India. Each day synthesises kundalini yoga to clear and release energy, Ayurvedic massage and detoxification, guided meditations and metaphysical teachings to align body, mind and heart in luxury and nature.