The word that comes to mind when describing the Kerala Alchemy of the Heart programme is magical, and for good reason. For some, even the most persistent physical symptoms have healed in an instant, deeply held emotional blocks have cleared, a sense of euphoric peace and contentment can come over even the most agitated minds, new inspiration has led to countless successful ventures and even the most type A personality types have the potential to be humbled with new insight that has the power to radically transform lives.

The word that comes to mind when describing the Kerala Alchemy of the Heart programme is magical, and for good reason. For some, even the most persistent physical symptoms have healed in an instant, deeply held emotional blocks have cleared, a sense of euphoric peace and contentment can come over even the most agitated minds, new inspiration has led to countless successful ventures and even the most type A personality types have the potential to be humbled with new insight that has the power to radically transform lives. Many join the January retreat with dedication – consistently reporting that despite the natural ups and downs of life the year ahead “just flows” in a different way. Jane, creative director, “Prior to the retreat I had been under a lot of stress, but within two days I felt a huge lift in my spirits and pure joy and love during and after the kundalini and meditation. Every retreat opens something new and hugely inspirational”. New opportunities have a way of presenting themselves as a result of the space created on the retreat.  There are also people who understand how having a body, mind and spirit recharge allows them to simply be more present as parents and partners, and appreciate the significance of this level of self-care. It is magic, of the synchronistic and carefully orchestrated kind.

At the heart of the creation of these shifts and experiences is Hema Vyas, a London-based psychologist, speaker and intuitive mentor with over 25 years working with clients ranging from CEOs to creatives helping connect to their own personal truth and build towards a life of joy, love, mindfulness, and prosperity. Through her own personal experience with the transformative power of meditation and kundalini yoga, a deeply cultivated understanding of spiritual wisdom and ayurveda, backed up with extensive academic study in the field of psychology, Hema has a distinct brand of holistic therapy. She brings her expertise and insights to life on her retreats mindful of the pressures of modern life and the kinds of challenges facing the world today. Mary, CEO and Founder, I have known from the first day I met Hema  that if I followed her advice my life would go so much more smoothly. Hema is so giving, she is selfless and fully available to all on the retreat. She is knowledgeable and she has a toolkit full of advice, techniques and wisdom on so many topics, no matter what direction the conversation goes in”.

How the scene is set for such growth and change is entirely by design.

On a physical level, Hema ensures that each of the senses are stimulated. Touch, taste, sound, smell and sight are all activated with intelligence. The retreat takes place in Kerala, the home of Ayurveda, home for the 9 or 12-night experience is a 5-star Ayurvedic resort where the primordial sounds of nature also heal and restore. There is an abundant buffet of lovingly prepared food catering to the needs of each dosha (body and mind type) available throughout, with a variety of tastes and textures to delight and nourish. Daily Ayurvedic massage is detoxifying as well as relaxing – the oils have qualities that are known to remove stagnant energy or “ama” from the body.

The landscape is as vibrant as it gets, from the extensive green herb and tree garden, numerous floral hues, and the vast blue sea and sky. The morning sounds are the most audible, with a symphony of birdsong and the sounds of waves crashing against the shoreline. Hema explains the significance of the natural setting  “The programme is about connecting with our truth, our nature, and aligning personal intentions with our souls – or what can be described as our natural calling. We are a part of nature and nature is a part of us. As a society we have lost a lot of this connection in the race to compete and have what we consider to “need” to fit in. In this space we have the opportunity to entrain with the vibration of nature, helping us on our journey to know and express our true selves and experience the freedom that can only be found in originality”.

In Hema’s retreat space, every activity plays a part in accelerating growth for attendees, most of whom can be considered to be highly self-aware and to have achieved a level of personal and professional success. The programme includes daily sunrise and sunset guided meditations, kundalini yoga, chanting, spiritual teaching, and group mentoring. The purpose of each activity is to either surface or discover any unowned feelings or beliefs, or to release and let go of any negative emotions or energy keeping people ‘stuck’ whether on a conscious or unconscious level. Hema works intuitively to select kundalini postures and kriyas and to guide meditation journeys based on the needs of the group and individuals. It can all be described as a kind of emotional clean out – a surfacing, and then clearing or letting go to free up energetic space.

What truly differentiates is the intuitive teaching; Hema’s insights provide even the most self-aware with empowering new understandings. Hema educates on the significance of heart energy, provide the practical tools to reconnect participants to the truth and wisdom contained in the heart and release any energetic debris or patterns held there. This process, that she terms ‘heart alchemy’, ultimately brings about feelings of empowerment and even bliss. “People connect to the truth and wisdom contained in the heart and find unique expression of happiness, success and fulfilment. I call this a ‘state of gold’ – a condition of harmony, balance and abundance.Alchemy of the Heart is designed to release traumas or conditioned beliefs we may or may not be aware of, to create space for something new and beautiful to emerge in all areas of life. Event Manager, Lizzie, sums up her experience “Initially I was drawn to the kundalini yoga and massage, however Hema’s teachings were the highlight. Hema doesn’t try to change who you are, her aim is to make you understand why you have done certain things in your life, and to help you break the pattern and realise your dreams and potential. You might think you know yourself, but you soon realise that despite only just meeting, Hema knows you better”.   

~ Guest author and annual attendee

Alchemy of the Heart, now Heart Renaissance – Path to Prosperity will help you clear blocks, connect deeply, rest, restore and live a miraculous life in 2020.
