The most important relationship we can have is our relationship with ourselves. Understanding our own wisdom and how to integrate this wisdom with the mind and body leads to living a life of joy and prosperity. What we consider limitations offer the potential for transformation.
Participants are invited to an immersive session with Hema, who will guide them through a transformative journey with teachings, chanting, yogic exercises, and meditation. Hema will share philosophies to help activate healing power and life manifestation, as well as reveal some ancient wisdom to help navigate modern times.
Spring London event was postponed (watch this heart space for new dates) however here’s a link to Hema’s Heart Alchemy workshop on insta with Bamford live in April 2020 that you can enjoy and work with from home, plus below is an excerpt from Hema’s Bamford Cotswold talk in February on the significance of aligning heart energy.