Podcast: Healing the Silent Heartache of High Achievers on Better Place Project

Heart-centered leadership as a bridge to a better, more authentically connected world.

Heart-centered leadership as a bridge to a better, more authentically connected world.

It is always a pleasure to speak with Steve at the Better Place Project. During our latest conversation, I contemplated the steps we can take to heal the world by bridging the gaps that can divide and separate people from the profound truth of our interconnectedness.

Our conversation encompassed various topics, including the significance of the electromagnetic field of the heart that communicates beyond words, leadership and its connection to heart intelligence, the silent heartache experienced by high achievers and how addressing these allows us to overcome the “glass walls” on our path to growth.

We also opened up about our concerns for humanity in the short term—truthfully, they are matters that keep both of us awake at night—and our underlying optimism.

I also shared my enthusiasm about the potential of AI. Technological advancements encourage us to explore the depths of our humanity, expand our consciousness and improve our ability to discern what is authentic. I see these as an invitation to open up human possibilities to unique human needs in the workplace and world through the power of heart intelligence. This, in turn, makes the value of human qualities more tangible.

🌎 Shared with an intention for a world where deep connections with ourselves and others flourish.

#business #growth #founders #leadership #learning #heartintelligence


Much of my work revolves around addressing silent heartaches and aspirations. I believe leaders who have faced their own challenges and disappointments are better able to empathize with others, promote resilience, create sustainable prosperity and have a positive impact.

Together we are more than the sum of our parts. We can create a future where leadership is synonymous with these core or coeur (heart) values. Join upcoming programs and expand your heart-centered leadership. Details shared below.

Here’s a link to listen to the full episode:

And here’s the link to a 1-min survey to share your thoughts as well as keep informed about upcoming program dates: https://maven.com/forms/d71426